Don't tell me you have not contracted the virus? Everyone apart from you is browsing almost free (I said almost free because with 100bucks, you are entitled to 6GB+ everyday).
MTN BB10 subscription is the brain behind it and it is powered by what is called Simple Server (SS). YOU will need to download the stuff online, configure your browser, launch the SS and you are good to go. If you living in an area that has MTN 3G, 3.5G or 4G, you are the bomb! The speed is so awesome and infact terrifying. You need to be on this jet now as tomorrow might be too late.
I can help you board this JET if only you are willing. As the saying goes..."you can only force a horse to the stream.."
Before I can help you, you need to get some things right and in fact, very handy. These are as follows:
1. A dongle (modem) that can work with MTN sim, whether universal or unlocked.
2. A Laptop or PC
3. The downloaded MTN SS zip folder (make sure you unzip it)
4. At least 100 bucks MTN recharge card.
5. At least a Mozilla Firefox browser (that is what I use and its pretty fast and easy to configure.
Then you can Whatsapp me here...08037973323 and I will take you through a step by step tutorial on how to go about it.
1. Unlimited download within the period you subcribed for (maybe 24hrs, one week etc) but the bomb is the 24 hours plan.
2. You can use it to make money in your don't need to pay for any subscription. Network the SS and you are good to go.
3. It is your right to enjoy it while it lasts.
4. It is pocket-friendly.
5. You can Skype, watch Youtube video, download movies and even a plate of assorted Afang soup with fufu for two!
6. Ask Atiku, Obj what is fascinating them if not the magic of MTN SS.
I am waiting for your calls and messages.
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post what you wanna, what is the need to call you? or do you intend asking for money or recharge cards? before u can be a "tech-blog-lord" you need to learn to give and teach freely....geeez