Now, let us look at it from this angle, would it not be wise if you turn all what you have been writing as a blogger into a book? Apart from turning you into a publisher, you can also raise your shoulders among your contemporaries, making you a proud owner of a book most sought after on net and offline, which can be downloaded anytime!
After all the intros, way forward NOW!TURNING YOUR POSTS TO AN eBOOK, HOW?
Turning your blog into a book is very simple. Visit blog2book and click on the Start Now! and continue with the e-book building process.
1. Enter your web address and enter a platform of you blog (Blogger or Wordpress), then you will have to select how many of your post you want to turn into a book by number (which will not exceed 100) or by date and click the "Get the Posts" button to process...2. Here you will see the most recent of your blog post, (You can unselect as many as you would not want to appear in your book). You can also order them as you want by dragging and dropping them around, when done click CONTINUE to continue.
3. The next step is to customize your e-book as you want by adding features that will make it look real:
- Title,
- Sub-title,
- Author's name,
- Preface,
- Dedication page and other features...
4. Now, your eBook is being created. It might take a few moments, depending upon how many posts you included. When it's done, you can download it in PDF form from the button on the right.